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Early Spring predicted
on Groundhog Day

02 Feb 2016

If you’re looking for an off-season getaway to the US, you might be in luck with the weather. This morning in Pennsylvania, Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring, after he emerged from his burrow on Gobbler’s Knob and couldn’t see his own shadow.

According to Punxsutawney Groundhog Club legend, if the groundhog can see his shadow, there’ll be another six weeks of wintery weather. You don’t have to take Phil’s word for it though, there’s a repetition of groundhogs to choose your weather report from. Canada’s Shubenacadie Sam agreed, as well as groundhogs in other U.S. states: New York’s Staten Island Chuck, and General Beau Lee in Georgia also verified Phil’s shadowy findings.